At first, I had a lot of trouble finding war letters. I could not find a single one that I liked or that seemed to be real. Then I looked up the Gulf War. I found a lot of interesting stuff. I really got into finding more letters and reading about what the soldiers had to say.
I did three letters from three different wars: the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, and World War I. I really enjoyed all of the letters, but my favorite one was the letter from the Gulf War. This was a letter sent by Major General Paul E. Funk to his soldiers. I liked this letter a lot because he was just telling his soldiers how proud he was of them and their courage in the war. One of my favorite lines he wrote was, "Spearhead soldiers fought with heart, tenacity and fearlessness of a Montana grizzly bear, the guts of an Army mule and the compassion of Bambi's mother." Then he goes into further detail about how compassionate his soldier really were to the Iraqi prisoners of war. He was saying that his soldiers were capturing prisoners who were very hungry and thirsty. However, his own soldiers gave the prisoners their own rations and water which would mean that his soldiers would have to be short on food and water themselves. This was extremely surprising to me. I just couldn't believe how our soldiers were so giving to the enemy. I thought this was an amazing thing that these soldiers did. It also states that the soldiers did all of this knowing that the Republican Guard would never have treated them so well. They would have most likely been killed on the spot. Then the general continues to go on about other things he is proud of his soldiers for and so on.
While this was my favorite letter, I still did like the other two letters I read too. I think that I liked reading these letters so much because when my cousin went to the war in Iraq, my entire family would write him letters and send him care packages. So this just reminded me of doing that and now being so grateful that he is home safe.
Ending of Caucasia
16 years ago
1 comment:
One letter that I read also showed some of the courage that soldiers had. Mine was from the civil war. A soldier was writing a letter home to his parents. He had been stuck in the cold mountains without food for a week. He was also a confederate soldier and said he would be more than willing to go without food for as long as it took to win the war.
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