As I was reading the story "Because My Father Always Said He Was The Only Indian Who Saw Jimi Hendrix Play 'The Star-Spangled Banner' At Woodstock," (wow that's a long title), I really learned to like the writing style of Sherman Alexie. When we read his other short story, "Every Little Hurricane," I became very interested in his unique style. Although he always seems to add in some details that are a little out of the ordinary. For example in this last story we read of his, he talked about the little boy Victor falling asleep to the sounds of his parents making love. He said that he enjoyed listening to that which to me is very strange. I was also surprised at how open his family was. His mom would just upright tell him that she loved when his father and her would make love while they were drunk. Then he would pass out on her while they were doing it. She even told Victor that this was how he was conceived.
Another interesting part in this story is the relationship between Victor and his father. They weren't like your average father and son who would obsess over things like sports. Instead Victor would help his father enjoy the Jimi Hendrix song when he would arrive home drunk. However, in the morning when his dad would wake up he would always feel bad. To make up for it, he would tell Victor all of these stories about his life. Then in the end of the book I felt really bad for Victor as he stood outside waiting for his father to return. It made my heart break. I wasn't sure how old Victor was, but I could just imagine a little boy with a broken heart yearning for his dad to come home.
This story was one of my favorites that we have read so far. I really like this author's writing style and his different views on normal. This was a good story!!!
Ending of Caucasia
16 years ago
I agree! This is probably the best story that we have read so far in class. This is such a deep story. I love how the father would play the Jimi Hendrix tape and drink to it while getting very emotional. Just shows how much he loves music. I also like how the father says that the kids now days don't understand the meaning of music. That's the best!
This story was very odd; however, I really liked it becasue it was a lot different than anything we have ever read exept "Every little hurricane". I really liked the how the author told about how wierd the family was becasue it made the characters seem more realistic.
I'm glad you guys liked the story. Sherman Alexie is one of my favorites, and I agree with you Rachel, his style is very original. He just wrote a great young adult novel called The Absolutely True Adventures of a Part-Time Indian. It just won the National Book Award, which is a pretty big deal.
Why do you think Alexie chose to give the reader such intimate details about Victor's life and family? Do we need these?
Yay I really liked this story as well. Alexi has the kind of writing style that makes you always thinking of a deeper meaning to his work. I also thought it was pretty weird that he mentioned that he fell asleep to his parents having sex, but I guess its a different culture.
Hey Rachel!
This was probably one of my favorite stories so far as well. I thought it was extremely sad, but also insightful. It also occured to me how open the family is. It is so different than our culture!
Well have a good day :)
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